YES! What NMG said (more eloquent than I) And btw, welcome to the board Bonafide. LW
little witch
JoinedPosts by little witch
Was my entire life fake?
by BonaFide inso i start thinking about all my "privileges.
" i went to mts, took 600 pages of notes, went to my assignment, i am still serving under the mts program.
for a few years until my circumstances changed.
~ Just found out that my dad has died ~
by FlyingHighNow inmy jw brother in law is one the phone with me right now.
when it rains it pours when it comes to sorrow.
little witch
Flying, I send you my deepest sympathy. I hope that you have lots of support and I send my thoughts and prayers your way Dear One... LW
Was my entire life fake?
by BonaFide inso i start thinking about all my "privileges.
" i went to mts, took 600 pages of notes, went to my assignment, i am still serving under the mts program.
for a few years until my circumstances changed.
little witch
Bonafide, Perhaps you should refrain giving people the important advice until you are more sure? I mean, if you "feel good" about something so important as religion and spiritual advice, you should be absolute in your convictions. I don't think you are weird, but I do think you are unqualified, and unsure of your own convictions. (a thing I celebrate, not insult). Find yourself. Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know". You will gain knowledge and respect for doing so. LW
what was the one sound bite or comment that helped you see the light?
by siy inthis was a few years ago now, i was on the work one day with an elders elder.. you now the type!.
& he said this to me me (now i would love to know if you heard this one if its from a wt mag).
"how you are viewed by others (& so treated) is a reflection of how god views you".
little witch
For Me it wasn't a sound bite, nor a single thing said. It was hearing drivel over and over and over and over again that there are different "classes" of people. Different rules for the different classes. And mostly the insinuation that I was stupid without the "spiritual food".... People are not in "classes", the bible clearly states that God is "no respecter of persons". I learned that on my own with a few good comments from more guided and wise persons at a thankfully early age. That made more sense to me then, and does now. LW
Why such boring & canned answers at the WT Study?
by navytownroger inback in th 1980s, the answers at the watchtower study & the book study seemed much more interesting.
more personal experiences that somehow related to the question being asked.
nowadays it seems all answers are just repeated from the text, or consist of reading a bible verse.
little witch
Yeah, what Parakeet said.. It is like teaching a dog. Say simple structured, repetative words, and the critter who needs love and reinforcement learns. (throwing bones helps also) as in "good answer" and nods, and acolades after service. LW
Are JWs allowed to declare bankruptcy??
by navytownroger inhas anyone known or heard of baptized jws declaring bankruptcy?
if so, wouldn't that amount to 'stealing' from the businesses or persons they owe money to?
when you incur a debt, isn't there a legally-binding 'promise' that you will pay back what you owe?
little witch
Now listen Kids, There are only so many windows to wash, and the price of windex is at an all time high! LW
Welcome back 'Little Witch'
by Jim_TX injust wanted to say 'welcome back!
i hadn't seen you here for a while... and now, you have returned - posting more frequently.. you - and your wisdom - were dearly missed.
i hope you stick around for a while.. regards,.
little witch
Thanks JimTx!!! Glad to be back, although I have snooped just a little bit over the past year or so, at any rate it is good to hear from you and congrats on your marriage. (I missed that part too)! DRATS!!! Hope you are doing well, and thanks again for the welcome back. I miss you too! LW
OMG!!! I have been crying for the last 2 hours...I just got Pell grant!!!!
by FreedomFrog inpell grant is a federal grant for low income people that wants to go to college but doesn't have that much money to support it.. ok, here's my story.... my ex makes good money...i get divorced but they still use the "last" years tax...meaning, even though i'm not "making" that money anymore "too bad".. i've been in college for 2 1/2 years now, ending my first degree, signing up for my ba.... i was just approved for pell grants and "other" federal assistance for college!!!!!!!!.
i've been after them for 2 years and it's finally arrived.... what does that mean for me????.
my loans won't be 15,000 per degree but rather more like 4,000....i don't have to worry about buying my books anymore.
little witch
RIBBIT, RIBBIT!!! Congrats Froggy! Good for you! Aren't tears of JOY a wonderful thang? Now go make us all PROUD!!!!!
Watchtower Blood Component/Fraction Deception
by jwfacts inthe watchtower attempts to create a semblance of logic to its allowance of blood fractions by presenting the concept that blood consists of four primary "components".
use of these components are unchristian.
these components can be broken into "fractions", which are acceptable to use.
little witch
I know this for fact. I donate plasma twice a week. It does not hurt me, I help others, I get paid (240 per month) I am happy and others are helped by my donations. Nuff said, all is well. Oh, and Hober hasn't knocked me dead and I can stand proud before a loving God to say, "I did the best I knew how to respect and preserve life". I will sleep well tonight. LW
prayers and thoughts needed
by little witch inmy daughter's family have lossed every possession in the midwest (indiana) flood.
i request your thoughts, prayers, candles, blessings to their family.
my daughter is due to give birth to my grandson any day now, and they have a one year old.
little witch
Thanks Kids! Same here, things look better than before... You know, I told my hubby this morning that it will work out better if it is a total loss. I am awaiting FEMA to say it is hopeless and they will be in a better circumstance than before. Thank you women of Faith you always come through! (Not that the prayers of men are less) Oh crap, now I've started it! LOL